Diary with photgraphs and postcards by Ruth Knowles of a trip to Europe taken with Rob (her brother?) June 21-August 26, 1910. The diary was written after the trip from notes kept by Knowles from the time they sailed from New York until their return to Montreal. They sailed on the Noordam and returned home on the steamship Virginian. She includes snapshots, postcards, programs, and a brochure from Ernest R. Clark's Vacation Tour of 1910, which is the tour group they traveled with. They visited the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, and England. She writes of shipboard activities, hotels, trains, sightseeing, members of the tour group, and incudes historical comments and literary associatons to places. In London, she meets an American friend, Michael Suisdorfer several times and visits his mother and sister. On return, their father met them in Quebec and went with them to Montreal where they stayed with friends; the diary ends here. Although written afterward, the diary is quite detailed and lively. At the end is pasted a postcard informing her all is set for her entrance to Wellesley in September.